Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Other Treatments for Gambling Addiction

Problem gambling is a mental disorder that can lead to financial ruin if unchecked. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can be used to treat it. While gambling can be fun for a while, it can also cause significant problems if it is not treated. This article explores some of the symptoms and treatments for this disorder. Learn about the benefits of CBT and other treatments. But first, it’s important to understand that gambling is not a normal activity and it’s not something you should do without assistance.

Problem gambling is a mental disorder

Problem gambling can lead to serious problems for the person who suffers from it. This disorder affects the entire family, including the gambling addict. It can also lead to depression and thoughts of suicide. Fortunately, there are various ways to deal with problem gambling. These methods include defining boundaries, visiting a doctor, joining a support group, or seeing a therapist. The most important thing to remember is to not blame yourself if you’ve become addicted to gambling. Change comes slowly and must be approached with a sense of self-awareness.

It can affect anyone from any walk of life

Problem gambling can have a negative impact on anyone’s finances, relationships, and well-being. As a result, many people hide their problem gambling from family and friends and suffer in silence. It can also lead to financial catastrophe and the destruction of a person’s reputation. The most severe cases of problem gambling, also known as gambling addiction, may result in theft of money and even suicidal thoughts.

It can be treated with cognitive behavioural therapy

Cognitive behavioural therapy focuses on the way a person thinks, feels, and behaves when they’re gambling. During therapy, they learn new ways to manage the triggers and the emotions that lead to excessive gambling. They also learn how to cope with external triggers such as turning down an offer to play a casino game. This therapy is very effective in reducing the negative impact of pathological gambling.

It can lead to financial ruin

While gambling can be fun, it is also dangerous for the financial health of a person. If you are a heavy bettor, you will likely face financial hardship, unemployment, and even mortality. In a landmark study, academics studied millions of customers of the Lloyds Banking Group to find links between gambling spending and problems with debt, unemployment, and mortgage payments. A person who gambles more often is also at greater risk of becoming indebted and facing debt collectors.

It can lead to depression

Despite all the positive aspects of gambling, compulsive gamblers can suffer from depression and despair. Studies show that nearly 60 percent of compulsive gamblers have considered suicide at some point. Some of them even attempted it during a time of crisis. Aside from physical symptoms, compulsive gamblers often experience high levels of tension, anxiety, and stress, as well as troubled sleep.